The 15 Day Oatmeal Challenge

If you seriously want to change the way you eat you need to create negative association to the things that are bad for you. Start thinking about the harmful effects, the way it will make you feel in an hr., the way it will make you look and before you know it you will realize that it’s just not worth it. Then start creating positive association to all the healthy food that is good for you. Think about the positive effects of the nutritious food and how it will make you feel energetic, healthy and happy. If you do this enough time you will program your mind and body to crave all the things that are good for you and you will actually be repulsed by the harmful food. That’s a promise!

~Haleh Banani

And this is what this challenge is all about. Program your mind to crave the healthy things and repulse the harmful foods. Come join me; let’s play games with the mind before it plays games with us!

Day One | Simple Oatmeal

Day Two | Oatmeal with breakfast cereal

Day Three | Citrus Oatmeal with Almonds

Day Four | Chocolate Pudding Oatmeal

Day Five | Banana Chocolate Chip Oatmeal

Day Six | Peanut Butter & Chocolate Cheesecake Oatmeal

Day Seven | Honey Nut Crunch Oatmeal

Day Eight | Chocolate Strawberry Oatmeal

Day Nine |

Day Ten |

Day Eleven |

Day Twelve |

Day Thirteen |

Day Fourteen |

Day Fifteen |

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